The Captain: Part 4
Redskull devoured the Captain’s huge meaty pectoral as he watched the bound superhero scream into the ball gag. Firm golden flesh was ripped into strips as Redskull’s teeth ripped apart the perfect muscle. Captain America’s face was beetroot purple and tears were streaming down his cheeks. His Herculean body thrashed violently in the tentacle restraints as blood poured from the huge gaping wound in his once powerful chest. He was in complete shock. One from witnessing the brutal destruction of Aaron’s hot muscle body and the other at seeing his perfect muscle tit cut from his impeccable super-solider body and eaten whole.
Hot, Meaty, Brunette Beefcake Kris was dragged forwards, bound by the tentacles. His massive muscles were flexing and straining. Kris was a well known Hungarian gay porn star, who had been captured after he had finished filming a Slutty photo shoot which was to mark his retirement from the porn industry, little did he know it was to be his last photo shoot ever. His mighty cock heaved against the tight fabric of his slutty bulging speedos. This was going to be one hell of a show.

Out of the ground rose an unusual shaped tank. It was made from a reinforced material which was clear like glass in most areas with the exception of the back panel which appeared to be masking hidden compartments. It was separated into sections and shaped almost like a human made out of clear blocks.
The solid back of the tank swung open and the tentacles dragged Kris’ gorgeous muscle-bound body into position. Hellshredder ripped the heaving briefs from Kris’ body with considerable force. The tight fabric was violently ripped into shreds and the mighty porn cock flopped between the huge muscular thighs. The magnificent stud cock swung proudly and even though it was flaccid, it was still thick, long and juicy; the balls full and plump. A small black tentacle wrapped around the purple head and pulled the young buck forwards into the tank. The rough skin of the tentacle grazed the golden flesh of the beautiful cock and as it did so released a small amount of liquid which made the cock stand to full attention. The massive 11 inches was guided into a section of the tank which stuck out in front, like an erect penis on a human. As the tentacle released Kris’ cock, a rubber seal closed around the base of the cock and balls, holding them in place like a vice and sealing them off from the rest of Kris’ body.
The rest of Kris’s beefy body was stuffed inside and the solid back of the tank swung shut. More rubber seals closed around various parts of his body, sectioning them off into separate compartments. Both of the muscular stallion thighs were confined in its own tank and sealed off just below the apollos belt and the bubble ass cheeks. Kris’ fat, golden, bubble butt was separated from his main torso by a rubber seal which had secured around his narrow rippling waist. Each arm had been forced into the flex position and a rubber seal had been secured around each muscular shoulder and arm. A final seal separated Kris’ handsome face and thick neck from the main torso. Before the door had sealed behind Kris, Hellshredder had done two things: tentacles had secured a rubber dental guard in Kris’ mouth which wrapped around his head and kept his mouth wide open. Hellshredder had also injected a serum into Kris neck that would keep him alive longer, conscious throughout the torture and would amplify the pain. Kris would feel everything, right until the very end.

The Captain was now forced to look upon the next defenceless hunk being readied for inevitable slaughter. He could see that Kris had been divided up into eight sections of the tank, 8 separate compartments now contained 2 arms, 2 legs, cock, ass, head and torso.
Redskull was still eating the humongous juicy superhero steak and spat chunks of flesh into the Caps face as he shouted “GET READY FOR THIS ONE CAPTAIN” he then laughed manically “FUCKING FILTH THIS ONE! DIRTY FUCKING PORN SLUT! LOOK AT HIS FUCKING BODY, HE’S A GOOD FOR NOTHING MUSCLE WHORE. WITH A BODY LIKE THAT HE IS ASKING FOR ME TO TEACH HIM A LESSON. TIME FOR HIM TO BE DESTROYED”
A hatch behind Kris’ big meaty ass opened up and one of Hellshredder’s biggest “fucking” tentacles entered the box. It was black, scaly and the size of a beer can. It had a pulsing head with black treacle like precum oozing from the tip… was also barbed. Meaning that it would slide in like a regular penis, but when pulled back it would rip a sphincter clean open.
Hellshredder’s cock was positioned behind the tight pink hole, it pushed aside the humongous ass cheeks and rested just against the pulsing pink rosebud. Hellshredder was savouring every second as he prepared to use the Pornstar super-stud as his own personal cum-dump.

With an almighty force the big black tentacle like cock pushed past the golden bubble ass cheeks and stretched open the tight hole. It sunk deep inside Kris’ bowels. Kris screamed at the top of his lungs as he felt the massive cock raping him. Hellshredder was about 14 inches in when he ripped the cock clean out of the beautiful hole. The serum coursing around Kris’ big body meant the pain was even greater and he could feel the barbed cock slice up his tight sphincter. it was like a cheese grater ripping his insides. Blood splattered down the bubble ass and pooled in the ass tank….Hellshredder rammed the cock back inside. He was just getting started, however this wasn’t the only tank seeing some action.
The tank containing Kris’ huge meaty right arm had now been filled with 50 slithering, black, flesh eating leeches. The slimy leeches explored the massive beefy bicep and cannonball muscular shoulder. Kris could feel the cool slithering of the leeches for the first 30seconds before he felt the tiny teeth sinking into the golden flesh of his muscular arm. All 50 leeches began ripping the succulent meat from his powerful arm.
Another tank, the one containing his left stallion leg had begun to fill. Hydrochloric acid had began to rise inside the tank, it had engulfed his foot and was rising rapidly up the golden beefy stallion thigh. Chunks of flesh and muscle were being dissolved by the acid and started to fall into the liquid bubbling and hissing, turning the perfect limb into a pulpy soup.
Kris was screaming at the top of his lungs. “AGHHHHHH AGHHHHHHH AGGHHHHH” over and over. Tears streaming down his face,his mouth stretched wide open. A hatch opened above his screaming head to reveal a pipe. The pipe was attached to the septic tank from the gym toilets above. As Kris was mid-scream, a thick brown, dirty shit landed on his brown hair,slid over his handsome face and landed straight in his mouth. Thick brown turd after thick brown turd landed on the cum-guzzling porn sluts face, smearing all over his perfect handsome face and filling his mouth. Kris couldn’t pass out due to the drug and instead began to vomit up shit. Sick and shit splashed around inside the tank and was followed by a torrent of piss from above. It mixed into a shit, stinky soup that currently sloshed around Kris’ thick muscular neck.
Kris continued to scream as he felt the flesh eating leeches devour his massive arm, stripping it of his golden skin and mutilating the beautiful limb by ripping apart the ample young muscles. The pain was incredibly intense, combined with tentacle violently raping and ripping apart his bubble ass and his now fully submerged leg bubbling in the acid, Kris couldn’t see how it could get worse…..he was about to find out.
The compartment containing his powerful right leg opened at the back and 5 miniature robotic arms positioned themselves around the huge, muscular leg. The back of other compartments also started to open. From the back of the compartment containing the magnificent musclebound torso; emerged a metal contraption with dozens of metal robotic arms, each with a razor sharp hook placed at the end. The deadly arms positioned themselves around Kris’ perfect meaty body, hovering above the rippling abs and pumped pecs like a terrifying metal corset. In the container containing his remaining pumped arm, more robotic arms appeared, only these had large needles attached at the end. they were also dripping with a bubbling liquid.

The final compartment positioned between Kris’ massive legs eventually showed some sign of action. The massive, meaty porn cock was throbbing hard and erect. The liquid viagra coursing through the thick golden shaft. The purple head was oozing precum which splashed on to the bottom of the container, the huge heavy nut sac swayed underneath the mighty stud dick. The end of the compartment nearest the throbbing purple head, opened slightly at the end. There was now a circular entrance in the container which would allow something to get in.
The leeches had devoured the entire succulent muscles of his arm and shoulder so much so, that all that now remained was the useless blood soaked bones of his arm which the leeches were picking clean of any missed flesh or blood. The acid in the tank containing his once beautiful leg was still bubbling but any reminder of the gorgeous musclebound thigh had been dissolved and the clear acid was now a bubbling lumpy flesh soup. Kris’s bubble ass was stretched to the max and had split trying to contain the barbed tentacle. The once tight pink hole was now a gaping bloody hole being fucked violently, the golden ass cheeks smeared in blood and thick black cum, jiggling about as the tentacle smashed back inside him. Kris was unaware of the new developments in the boxes as the he was focused on the intense pain everywhere else. The torrent of shit and piss raining down on his face had stopped for now, but he was still screaming and was being forced to eat the rancid shit as it had fallen in his mouth, he couldn’t see very well as the faeces had gone in his beautiful blue eyes.

The next part of the torture all happened simultaneously.
The robotic arms containing the flame throwers started to blast jets of searing flames at Kris’ huge golden thigh. The skin blistered and bubbled in the heat. The robotic arms had positioned themselves so that every part of the young studs thigh could be roasted at the same time. The tight tanned flesh bubbled and started to pus, the skin went a brilliant red colour and the blisters started to ooze and pop. The porn studs slutty thigh was being cooked alive. At the same time the robot arms in the other containers sprung into life…

The huge needles dripping with boiling hot fat plunged into Kris’ huge bicep, hand, forearm, tricep and shoulder. They plunged the bubbling hot animal fat into his muscular appendage. The bulging golden muscles seemed to get even bigger as they filled up with fat, however the big pumped muscles swiftly stared to sag and dissolve as the fat started to melt them down and before he knew it the beautiful arm was mutilated from the inside as it started to sag under the weight of the fat, and his skin started to melt. The needles stabbed in and out of the arm pumping more and more fat into the huge beefy arm. It swelled and got so big and grotesque that it started to push against the side of the container…..

The metal like corset of meat hooks which had now surrounded the eight pack abs and massive golden pecs. There was a hissing noise like a steam escaping a piston on a machine. The meat hooks were slammed violently into rippling torso one by one. Eight meat hooks sunk into the glistening golden eighpack abs the dumb cunt had worked so hard for. This was promptly followed by five talon like hooks sinking into each juicy golden pec steak…..
At the circular entrance to the compartment containing Kris’ beautiful cock, entered a huge industrial drill bit. It was thick and barbed and was slowly moving closer and closer to the throbbing purple cock head….

In the tank containing his gorgeous shit smeared head, Kris was still screaming, the shit had piled high cementing his thick muscular neck in place and he could rest his chin on the shit/piss and vomit mound. He was in absolute agony but the liquid viagra kept his cock throbbing….
Jet after hot jet of thick pearly white porn star cum splashed over the drill bit that was fast approaching the beefy cock. It was flowing out of him like a stream. Although he was experiencing extreme pain he was aroused at the thought of his big beautiful muscle body being mutilated in such a way. And the show was certainly being enjoyed by Redskull and Hellshredder.

Hellshredder pounded another barbed tentacle into Kris’ ass and pumped more and more cum inside his overflowing slut hole. Redskull meanwhile was watching every second of the degrading torture and laughing manically. He had put his massive cock inside Captain America’s perfect bubble ass and had started to rape him again. Fucking him mercilessly in the doggy position, choking him by his thick neck, turning his handsome face a deep shade of purple. He switched it up when the Captain was on the verge of passing out and would violently jerk his head back by his blonde hair and stab him repeatedly in the golden bubble ass cheeks with a carving knife making the hunky superhero buck wildly on his fat cock.
Kris was still screaming in pain, as a huge “queen” leech was released into the tank containing this gorgeous face. It slithered over his shit smeared brown hair and down his tanned face….

The huge meaty arm erupted inside the tank, it pushed the glass out of the front of the tank and exploded. Huge hunks of muscle, golden flesh, blood, bone and boiling fat showered the tank and and the surrounding area, the once prime musclebound arm in tatters….
The big meaty leg was now over cooked and resembled a blackened husk. It had burst into flames and there were no reminders of the proud, strong horse race thigh that once stood there.

From the tank containing Kris’ magnificent torso there was a mechanical hissing noise. The hooks which had embedding in the rippling abs and pecs were ready to tear and mame. Thick scarlet blood tricked down from the huge talon like hooks which had sunk into the golden flesh of his massive pecs and was now dripping and trickling down his washboard abs. The hissing noise stopped and one by one the robotic arms ripped violently away from Kris’ abdominals, tearing huge chunks of golden muscle from his stomach. RIP, RIP,RIP, RIP. Eight hooks now hung suspended in the tank, like meat in a butchers shop window. Eight beefy abs dripping with blood. There was another long hiss followed abruptly by a sickening squelch, the ten hooks in the golden pecs were ripped savagely from the porn cunts muscle body. Five hooks in each pec ripped the proud, powerful muscle tits clean from his body. Where they hung next to the eight rippling abdominals. Kris’ strong stomach and chest had now been ripped clean and the exposed innards began to push forwards and started to land in the bottom of the tank. The tentacles fucking Kris in the ass burst through the ruined stomach, punching intestines and guts out of his body. Small tentacles started to wrap around the organs which were harder to remove and began to tear them clean from his body. Tentacles squeezed at his kidneys, stomach, lungs and heart until they oozed with blood and fluids, before dropping them with the rest of his guts in the bottom of the tank.

Kris’s cock was still spraying streams of hot cum all over the approaching drill bit which was a just millimetres away from the throbbing pink fleshy head. The twisting barbs of the drill ready to destroy the thick, long meaty cock. Kris continued to cum as the furious drill bit got faster and faster, the barbed head entered the flowing piss slit of the pink throbbing cock head. The barbed drill ripped the huge mushroom head clean apart. It seemed to get faster and plunged deep inside the middle of the massive cock all the way to base so that it was impaled. It was as though somebody had switched a pulse button on the drill…it began to rotate more violently and savagely then ever. The thick, golden, veiny cock was torn up from inside to out as the sharp drill bit ripped it into chunks, all the while Kris was still trying to cum. Huge bits of torn meat splattered around the tank, golden flesh was pulverized beyond recognition and the stallion porn cock was ripped into pieces. It looked as though it had exploded. More and more smaller drills entered the tank via robotic arms and they made a beeline straight for the huge firm bull balls. The drill bits ripped at Kris’ heavy testicles, popping them and making them spill cum all over the tank which mixed with the blood. The drill bits tore the balls into pieces and they hung like shredded, bloody carrier bags below his desecrated cock.

Whilst all this had been happening at once, Kris had screamed blue murder. His handsome face was being splattered with shit once again, his eyes were popping out of his skull and his mouth was stretched wide and was dripping with blood as he screamed in agony. The thick Queen leech slithered all over his face and then as great speed began to devour the handsome golden face. It ate his beautiful blue eyes which popped satisfyingly in her mouth. It devoured his nose, ears, lips, cheeks and started to fear on his hair. It then slithered inside his nose cavity and ate the little brains the porn slut had. The queen leech had doubled in size, and when she had finished all the meat and flesh on Kris’ once handsome head had been devoured. It now resembled a slightly bloody skeleton found in a science lab. The queen leech burrowed in the shit and began to lay her eggs.

Hellshredder ripped the tentacles out of Kris’ ass, the golden bubble cheeks were still in tact and other than being smeared in blood, cum and shit were I damaged. Hellshredder soon resolved this by sending two huge tentacles complete with row after row of razor sharp teeth straight into the tank where they latched on to a firm golden ass cheek each tentacle ripped and ate the juicy bubble ass, the huge jiggling golden meat torn into shreds.

Gay porn super stud Kris Evans had been obliterated and his body was now unrecognisable. The tanks began to vibrate and started to self implode, crushing what little remained of Kris’ once perfect body into a bloody pulpy mush.
Red Skull ripped his cock out of Captain America, his thick cum closed out of the superheroes raped hole. He gripped Captain America’s throbbing (against his will) cock and stroked it until the Cap came hard, sending ribbons of thick, white superhero cum all over the floor. The Captain was lowered to the ground but was still suspended, when Red Skull plunged his cock Into the gaping wound where the Captains massive golden pec once sat. He then dumped hot wads of cum in the ruined pec wound.
The Captain stared through bleary red eyes, he was in a great deal of pain after the destruction of his pec and the relentless raping of his ass. The superhunk felt weak. He stared at Red Skull his arch nemesis. Taking in the smooth red skin, the hideous skull face, the massive swaying red cock that was constantly hard. That was when the Cap noticed Redskull’s flat undeveloped chest had started to change colour at one side and seemed to be getting bigger….more muscular. Redskull’s right pec was now colossal and gorgeous golden colour which stood out in contrast to the rest of his red skin.
Redskull had noticed too….
Redskull was admiring the ruined superheroes perfect body, saliva dribbling out of his mouth. He caressed the perfect pink nipple of his new pec
Redskull let his hand caress the throbbing superhero cock, he stroked it gently and licked the remainder of the Captains cum from his hand.
His hand roamed up the rippling abdominals “MMM MAYBE SOME OF THESE JUICY ABS?
His hands roamed up and over the Captains remaining meaty pec, he slapped the Captain’s cum soaked face which was still gagged. Redskull took both of the massive muscular arms In His hands and explored the golden curves of the biceps and triceps.
Redskull opened his mouth, his teeth were much sharper than the Captain remembered. Redskull wrapped his hands around the Captains left Wrist and his other hand around the top of the Captain’s left shoulder. He positioned his open mouth in front of the bulging golden bicep, and slowly sunk his teeth into the massive pumped superhero muscle.
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