The Slaughulk Harvest: Chapter 1
The Slaughulk are an alien race who scout the universe for sheer hedonistic reasons. Their home planet is unknown and they leave trails of destruction wherever they go. They move from their favourite planets harvesting the most perfect virile male specimens for a number of things: milking them for fuel to power their ship (one drop of their victims cum can power the ship for a year), for sexual fulfilment, to torture and destroy (fun) and to replenish their meat supplies.
The Slaughulk are truly hideous creatures, their skin oozes with clear goo, it is black and scaly and similar to that of a reptile. They walk on their powerful hind legs but can run at great speed when on all fours. They have large claws that retract into their hands and feet, these claws are yellowed and razor sharp, perfect for ripping apart their prey. The heads of these creatures are large and armour plated, they have teeth which retract like their claws and when on display they move like the blades on a chainsaw. The Slaughulk are an intelligent species, and are able to communicate in any language, they are a calculated and cruel race and only the 13 Slaughulk on board are remain in the whole universe.
What they are greatly feared for more than anything else, is their anatomy. The Slaughulk have a furry mound between their legs, these vary In colour but beneath the mound of hair is their greatest weapon. A thick long tentacle like cock that can change its shape and appearance at will. The Slaughulk can control their cocks and manipulate the shape. They Rape and pillage with their mighty cocks and have ruined many beautiful male specimens. Slaughulk that have recently come of age, have more active anatomy that is even more punishing
The Slaughulk have set the coordinates for a new planet…..Earth. The Slaughulk were ready to have some fun and experiment what Earth Males were like. One of the Slaughulk punched a control on the dashboard and the spaceship picked at random a target to abduct.

Jay, Dan and Aaron were perfect targets. They were young, strong and beautiful. Their gorgeous bodies were packed with juicy golden meat which they were parading around in skimpy speedos in the middle of a photoshoot. Jay wore a hot pink speedo, Dan a sexy blue one and Arron a slutty yellow speedo. The Slaughulk were excited by what they saw on the monitors. The ship was in camouflage mode and parked itself just in the jungle of trees next to the beach. Other than the three underwear models there was a big fat photographer, the Slaughulk were not interested in this disgusting male. The fat man had a hard cock as he photographed the beautiful golden hunks in front of him. He shouted “Perfect guys, Flex those muscles, show me what you’ve got” The beautiful muscle whores, showed off. They flexed their biceps and jiggled their pecs, they pouted at the camera and smiled sexily.
The Slaughulk fired a laser beam from the ship and it hit the fat bastard photographer straight in the back. Blood and guts splatters the white sand, the photographer fell to his knees and dropped his camera. It was action time!
The dumb muscle cunts turned and ran towards the sea. They couldn’t see what had fired the beam but they were desperate to escape. Their pecs, bubble butts and hefty cocks bounced up and down as they ran. The Slaughulk locked on to the three sluts and blasted them with an elevation beam. The golden bodied whores were lifted off the ground and dragged upwards into an opening in the middle of the ship. The ship then blasted off into the sky leaving no trace of what happened other than the bloody carcass of the photographer.
Jay, Dan and Arron had been sucked into the ship and were being held in a giant glass circular case. They started to bang on the glass screaming to be released. The 13 Slaughulk entered the room and the dumb muscle sluts soon stopped pounding on the glass and stood back to back in the middle of the glass prison. Dan gulped and started to sweat, Jay pissed himself and soiled the hot pink speedo, Aaron was scared but tried a show of dominance and flexed his large golden biceps and gritted his pearly white teeth.

Some of the Slaughulk laughed a deep rumbling laugh as Aaron did this, whilst others found the sight arousing, their monstrous cocks gave a twitch. Aaron didn’t hold back he began banging on the glass “LET US FUCKING GO” his big muscle flexing as he pounded against the glass.
The Slaughulk didn’t need food urgently and their ship had enough fuel to last at least a year. It had been a while since they’d had some fun and they could barely contain themselves. One of The Slaughulk had recently advanced In age from a young Slaughulk to an elder and it was tradition that they got to get first pick of the prey on a new planet.
One of The Slaughulk walked forward and pointed with its now razor sharp claws at Aaron. There was a great disappointment around the room as the aggressive blonde muscle hunk was a favourite of all the Slaughulk. This meant that Aaron would be used by only one and the other two would have to be shared amongst the remaining 12.

The Slaughulk that stepped forwards, pushed a button and the glass walls dropped into the floor. Aaron had still been pounding on the glass as it had fallen into the ground and was now stood with nothing between himself and the ravenous Slaughulk, his fists were balled and ready to pound against the glass, his biceps flexed in the swan position and sweat trickled down down his beefy golden pecs and rippling washboard abs. In seconds the young Slaughulk had wrapped its clawed hand around Aaron’s rippling stomach and thrown the golden muscle God over its shoulder with ease. Aaron thrashed about In terror and rage. He was about to become a 200lb beefcake happy meal. The Slaughulk carried its prey past the rest of the Slaughulk, as it did so the rest of the aliens groped and squeezed Aaron’s voluptuous muscle body. His slutty yellow speedo had gathered in his ass crack and the firm, juicy bubble ass was exposed. Each ass cheek the size of a basketball, smooth and golden. The Slaughulk hadn’t seen specimens this perfect before and fondled Aaron’s pecs, ass, abs, face and thighs before he was carried out of the room. The remaining two sluts Dan and Jay were just as perfect. It was time for the Slaughulk to have some fun.
Steel clasps closed around Jay and Dan’s ankles and wrists, they sealed shut and a green glowing light appeared. The clasps were attached to four metal arms which could move the dumb muscle meat around. The arms of the two hunky underwear models were stretched above their heads and their ankle restraints pulled in the opposite direction. The two muscle-studs were now suspended in the air and completely defenceless. The 12 remaining Slaughulk inched closer, salivating from their mouthes, the furry mounds between their colossal thighs had flopped forward and 12 thick, tentacle like black cocks were slithering forwards in front of them like snakes, each one dripping with treacle like, purple precum.

Six tentacle cocks slithered up each stud exploring their perfect golden bodies. They wrapped around their bulging biceps, slithered and oozed over their beautiful pecs, letting thick, dark purple pre-cum dribble down the tanned washboard abs. Some had wrapped around the perfect stallion legs and were caressing the golden flesh, whilst others slid over the faces of the two gorgeous young studs, coating them in more pre-spunk. The dumb muscle cunts were screaming and pleading be released, but help wasn’t coming.
The tentacle cocks slithered up and down their bodies as the Slaughulk got closer and closer. Jay and Dan could smell their putrid stench and heavy warm breath which had become faster and faster the more sexually excited they had become. Two tentacles on each hunk slithered over the tight, bulging bright fabric of their slutty speedos, rubbing and teasing the large virile jock cocks. Quite suddenly the two tentacles ripped the heaving speedos from their bodies, leaving them in tatters on the floor.
The two muscle gods had been underwear models for a reason and it wasn’t just their incredible physiques. Two huge semi-erect cocks hung between their beautiful thighs accompanied by large fat, cum filled balls. The huge bubble ass of each hunk was golden and smooth just like Arron’s, one of he tentacles playing with their cocks now focused on the meaty bubbles and started to push against the tight pink rosebuds nestled between their ass cheeks. Jay and Dan started to scream louder and louder, two tentacles entered each of their mouths and violently began to face fuck them. Three tentacles apiece entered their bubble butts, stretching their perfect sphincter open wide. The cocks of both studs were standing erect and were swaying between their legs.
The Slaughulk were fucking ravenous and began to rape their prey at a phenomenal speed. The three tentacles in their bubble asses pounded savagely in and out, in and out. The two tentacles in their mouthes were doing the same, their faces had gone the colour of beetroot and were wobbling around from side to side as they raped their mouths and tried to scream at the same time. There was one remaining tentacle in front of each stud that had hovered in front of their huge fat cocks and they were now sucking over the throbbing purple heads of Dan and Jays beautiful golden stallion cocks. The Slaughulk had docked cocks and the tentacle cocks of the Slaughulk started to eat the huge penises of the male models. The Slagukk had teeth inside it’s colossal penis and it started to eat the virile underwear models.

The Slaughulk were in the throws of ecstasy as they fucked the beautiful muscle gods, treacle like purple cum was now flowing freely out of the sides of both Jay and Dan’s mouthes and also splashing over their bubble ass cheeks as the they were triple penetrated and their hole overflowed with alien seed.

The massive golden cocks of each stud was being swallowed inch by inch and being ripped apart by the internal teeth of the alien cocks. Blood spattered on the ground in front of them, each dumb cunt could feel the pain but couldn’t scream as the tentacles were still raping their handsome faces. the Slaughulk had got closer and closer to their prey and had now released them from the restraints. Dan and Jay’s were suspended in the air on the fat tentacle cocks, their muscular arms and legs kicking and flailing around, trying to free or defend themselves.
The huge, golden, juicy, muscular, limbs waved in front of the Slaughulk. Firm golden biceps flexed, perfect tanned thighs kicked, pumped meaty pecs jiggled and abs stretched and wiggled. The Slaughulk made the huge yellow claws in their hands pop out, they also had razor sharp talon like finger nails on each hand. The teeth in their grotesque mouthes began to move like the blades on a chainsaw.

One of the Slaughulk slashed at Jay’s rippling washboard abs and ripped the golden flesh and chiselled muscle from his body. Blood and guts splattered the floor and the three cocks raping him pushed and burst out of his ruined abs.

Two of the Slaughulk raping Dan bit into an arm each, ravaging his massive biceps and tearing the meat from his body.

Two Slaughulk sunk their teeth into Jay’s golden thighs, letting the blade like teeth rip through the flesh like a knife through butter. They severed the massive, meaty golden hams from his body and ripped into the juicy muscles and devoured them.

Two more Slaughulk let their teeth shred into Dans massive golden pecs, slicing and dicing the beautiful muscles into a bloody mush. The two Slaughulk eating Dans chest reached around and pulled apart his bubble ass which was still getting fucked. They gripped a huge basketball sized glute each and pulled them apart harder and harder until the freshly raped sphincter ripped in half, their talon like nails sunk into the jiggling gold flesh of his ass and ripped them clean off Dans body. They threw the destroyed rump into the hungry mouths of Slaughulk around them. The tentacle cocks fell out of his ruined ass, along with a pulp of purple cum, blood and shit.

The tentacles had been pulled out of Jay’s ass and one of the Slaughulk set to work devouring the beautiful golden bubbles straight from the source. It ravaged each ass cheek, eating the ample meat like it was a ripe golden peach.

Two Slaughulk gripped Dan’s golden legs and pulled them apart, spreading the legs. The bleeding welts where his ass once was gushing blood. Three of the Slaughulk merged there tentacle cocks to form one gargantuan tentacle, and then morphed the cock so that it changed shape. It now resembled a thick, razor sharp hacksaw with jagged teeth approximately 6ft long. It began to move backwards and forwards as if it were on a piston. They held the saw under the ruined cock stump and dangling ball sac and let the teeth of the tentacle rip into the part between the ass and balls. The teeth cut through Dan’s body like a carving knife through a bound ham. It ripped into his body cutting the arrogant muscle cunt in half. The jagged teeth ripped into the rippling abdominals, tearing the tanned flesh and desecrating the hard muscles. Guts slopped from Dan’s body dropping on the floor as he was sliced in half. A Slaughulk opened it’s jaws wide and let the entirety of Dan’s gorgeous male model face slide inside, the teeth clamped around his thick neck and sliced the Abercrombie head from his once perfect body. The teeth chewed and mutilated Dans face and head, mangling it into a bloody pulp. The Slaughulk spat it out as the jagged teeth of the cock saw ripped through his neck stump. Dan’s body split completely in two.

Jay’s lower body had been completely obliterated from the abs down but his top half: biceps, pecs and face had been untouched. All six of the Slaughulk descended on these like a pack of wolves. Claws and talons ripped into the tanned Latino flesh, ripping the firm bouncy pecs from his body. Teeth destroying the juicy golden biceps. Ribbons of meat splattered the floor from the hungry mouthes of the Slaughulk, Jay was been annihilated. One of the Slaughulk gripped Jay by the head and ripped it clean off his body. He then smashed Jay’s handsome head into the control panel making it cave in on itself and sending what little brains the dumbfuck underwear model had splattering all over the controls and rest of the Slaughulk. Jay’s beautiful eyes exploded in their sockets and his gorgeous face was mutilated beyond recognition.

The Slaughulk howled in pleasure as they assessed the absolute carnage they had created. The more violent and frantic the kill the more they enjoyed it, they ejaculated in unison all over the steaming mass of bloody pulp and mush that used to be the prime muscle jocks.
One of the Slaughulk flicked a switch to display what was happening a few rooms away with Aaron the blonde muscle God. They had had their first taste of human flesh and were ravenous for more.

Golden, blonde muscle bull Aaron was thrown into the room where he landed on his large beefy pecs, his handsome face smacking into the hard floor. The young Slaughulk wasn’t teasing Aaron anymore and was getting down to business. The Slaughulk had flicked a switch on the wall which displayed Dan and Jay on a monitor. Aaron looked up as tentacles were slithering over and into the defenceless bodies of his male model buddies. Aaron started to push himself up off the ground, flexing his bronze biceps,

Aaron turned his head to look back at the young Slaughulk and was too late to avoid humongous, black tentacle shaped like an industrial drill, whirrling around violently. It was barbed and ruthless. The Slaughulk sunk its talons into Aaron’s strong shoulders, puncturing the meat and letting the first drops of blood ooze down his beautiful pecs. The Slaughulk lifted Aaron up as though he were a rag doll, all 200lbs of rippling golden meat dangling in midair in front of a floor to ceiling mirrored surface. the Slaughulk wanted he blonde muscle cunt to see the destruction it was going to cause to his perfect body.

A long, black slimy tongue protruded from the between its rows and rows of razor sharp teeth, the Slaughulk licked one of Aaron’s bulging biceps which was flailing around as he tried to free himself. A thick trial of ooze clung to the firm, juicy young muscle, drool slopped out of the Slaughulks mouth. The meaty blonde slut tasted delicious. The Slaughulk continued to explore it’s juicy blonde prey leaving coatings of ooze all over his body, its menacing, whittling drill like cock was leaking purple Pre-cum all over the floor in excitement.
The alien released its grip of Aaron’s shoulders and gripped him by his thick neck with one hand. Aaron’s face began to turn purple as he gasped for air, he scratched at the Slaughulks talons, his biceps bulged and his legs thrashed about beneath him. With its free clawed hand, the Slaughulk groped Aaron’s heaving yellow bikini briefs, fondling the fat meaty cock hidden behind the bulging spandex. In the blink of an eye, the Slaughulk had ripped the yellow speedos from Aaron’s body, they lay in shreds on the floor. The young underwear models beautiful golden cock was left exposed and semi-erect (Aaron was turned on by his own body in the mirror, bulging, golden and thrashing about to escape). The huge golden ass cheeks, each the size of a prize,ripe watermelon jiggled about as he continued to struggle against the Slaughulks grip.

The Slaughulk could have released a pheromone that would turn Its struggling prey into a cock hungry slut, who would have begged to be fucked. However this blonde muscle bull was so arrogant and perfect he wanted him to feel as much pain as possible. It switched the volume up on the monitor so that Aaron could hear the screams of terror coming from Dan and Jay as they were ripped apart and mutilated.
The Slaughulk dropped Aaron to the ground before pushing his musclebound body up against the full length mirror. His golden pumped, bubble like pecs pressed against the cold mirror along with his handsome face. The Slaughulk pushed him against the mirror by his thick neck, he kicked his legs apart and spat a wad of thick black mucus into the hot pink hole nestled between the magnificent ass cheeks.
The whirling tentacle cock pushed against the pink hole. The tip was sharp as steel, the girth was the same as four beer cans pushed together and it was spiked with razor like teeth at various points, it was spinning at about 30mph and was ready to destroy.

Inch by inch the alien slowly sunk its monstrous cock inside Aaron’s ass. The sharp tip has ripped open the pink hole on impact and as the cock spun at 30mph it was as though the Slaughulk was drilling a hole as opposed to fucking it’s prey. As more of the cock sunk in parts of the juicy golden ass cheeks were torn from Aaron’s body, pulverising parts of the melon sized cheeks into bloody pulp.
Aaron was screaming at the top of his lungs, blood was pouring out of his mouth as screamed, his face was pressed hard against the glass as he was violently raped. He could see on the monitor the the remaining Slaughulk were watching him being raped and they were masterbating furiously, they would stood in bloody heaps of goo that were once the perfect bodies of Dan and Jay.
The drill like cock was all the way inside Aaron, blood was flowing thick and free out of his ass, coating the partially ruined bubble ass cheeks and down the backs of his perfect golden legs.
The Slaughulk gripped Aaron’s right golden bicep and squeezed, it then violently tore the muscular arm from the socket. Aaron screamed, blood flowing between his pearly white teeth

The Slaughulk was relentless with its fucking and pounded its colossal cock in and out of Aaron. With one hand, It raised the meaty bicep arm up to its slobbering mouth and sunk its teeth into the fresh meat. With the other hand it gripped the back of Aaron’s blonde hair, pulled his face away from the glass and then smashed it into the mirror. With each thrust of its mighty cock Aaron’s face was pulled away and smashed back into the wall of glass.

The Slaughulk remembered how beautiful this young muscular male had looked on the beach, pearly white teeth, baby blue eyes, tanned skin the perfect Abercrombie hunk. This was now desecrated, Aaron’s face had caved in on itself, his eyes had exploded in their sockets, broken pieces of glass had punctured the skin and were mangling his face into a bloody piece of meat. Blood splatters the glass and dribbled onto the floor. Teeth had shattered and exploded everywhere. The male model face was unrecognisable. the Slaughulk continued to duck the now dead hunk, it had finished the big muscular arm and was close to ejaculating. It fucked harder and and harder and the cock seemed to get bigger and bigger inside Aaron’s body. The Slaughulk let out a powerful moan which shook its whole body. It’s massive cock erupted out of the neck stump where Arron’s face used to be and showers of thick purple alien cum splatters the mirror and coated Aaron’s beautiful golden torso.
The Slaughulk didn’t waste any time and ripped its cock out of Aaron’s ruined body. It need to consume him whole. It’s massive cock dropped to the floor and the throbbing cock head opened up like the mouth of a snake. It slithered up to the pumped golden legs and slowly sucked the feet, calves and horserace golden thighs inside. Small teeth inside began to tear the meat from Aaron’s body and he was broken down muscle by muscle, acidic juices began to strip golden flesh and chunks of muscle from the powerful legs.

Just as the young Slaughulk was enjoying its delicious blonde beefcake, the entrance door slid open and the remaining 12 Slaughulk entered the room, they wanted a taste of the arrogant blonde muscle slut.

The beefy muscle carcass was sucked into the tentacle cock up to the tops of his golden thighs, but the rest of the body was still on show. The fat bubble ass was still hanging out of the tentacles mouth as was the massive golden cock, pumped pecs, rippling abs, one of the biceps and plenty of firm meat on his back. There was no grace or decorum in their eating habits and the ravenous Slaughulk snapped and swiped at each other with their claws as they fought over the meaty remains. Claws ripped into the eight pack golden abs, spilling the ruined guts all over the floor, handfuls of meat and guts were being stuffed into their beastly mouthes. Four Slaughulk were ripping handfuls of fat jiggling golden bubble ass from his body and tearing it to shreds in their chainsaw like mouthes. The young Slaughulk feasting on Aaron with its tentacle cock was trying to bat off the others. It reached out and ripped Aaron’s cock clean from his body along with the lemon sized balls gorging greedily on its blonde prey. A further two Slaughulk had gripped the huge bouncy pecs and their talons sliced and diced the meat until they were free from his torso.

More Slaughulk were ripping muscle meat from Aaron’s remaining arm, back and anywhere they could find in order to completely ruin the hot muscle slut. There was something about this perfect male specimen which made them more ravenous than the two brunette hunks, it wasn’t his arrogant nature, golden flesh, perfect musculature as the other two sluts had been the same, it was his blonde hair and blue eyes which had sent them over the edge and hungry with rage and destruction.

They were now revelling in the bloody pulpy mess of ruined male model on the floor, stomping on Aaron’s remains, crushing his bones and pulverising the leftover meat and guts.The perfect muscle cunt had been degraded and destroyed in the worst way, his beautiful body turned into a bloody pulpy slurry
The Slaughulk had enjoyed every second of their first kill and were ready to harvest more meaty muscle sluts….especially the blonde ones.
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